Spiritual Awakening Post: Entering A New Energy Phase In The Twin Flame Journey
Current energies and some announcements

Hello, I am Bensu from Twin Flame Awakening,
Although we have been through many hurricanes on our personal development and spiritual transformation journey since the beginning of 2025, it has been like a renewing tower effect. Some mental destruction in my life always accelerates spiritual evolution. The energies in Twin Flame's spiritual development were very heavy during February.
I felt like I lost myself while clearing so many blocks on myself and in my heart that were holding me back from development. You know, sometimes the reason you are tired is just the traces of the past that you carry in your mind. We are thrown from place to place without realizing that we carry these emotions as heavy burdens in our bodies.
I was burning with a longing for relief on a cold February night. But this was the most difficult of all the shadow work I had done in the past 3 years. Again, I wanted to run away and hide from the flame inside me, this intense love and the growth of my soul. While my ego screamed in my head like a naughty little child, I reminded myself that this suffering was the end.
I feel that there is such an energy in a part of the Twin Flame collective before jumping into high-vibration love. We want to feel as heavy as a rock and at the same time, walk as light as a feather. As we walk into the love in our hearts, we are freed from the mental confusion and codes that pull us from behind.
I drew 2 cards from the cue card deck to inspire the collective. The cards that came were very parallel to what I felt. The unconditional love and victory cards tell us that we are closer to beautiful feelings and comfortable life than we have ever been. The most important moment when a person achieves victory is when they can quiet their mind and hear their heart. Here, we begin to live all the beauties of life calmly without the confusion in the mind.
After these general energies, there are a few more things I want to emphasize. First of all, I would like to announce that I have added a new guide to my Twin Flame guidebook series. In this guide, I wanted to examine the feminine and energy subject, which is the basis of the twin flame journey but is not understood at all, by approaching it from different social, psychological, and spiritual areas.
Some of my readers ask me why we need to use these two words. Although using the terms masculine and feminine energy may seem like a gender label to most people, I have explained in detail in my guide that these two energies are very far from genders. If you want to read it, you can find it below.
The Language of Twin Flame Union: Awakening with Feminine and Masculine Energy
I am currently working on the emotional alchemy between twin flames. The energies are still very intense and this sometimes causes distractions. Frequent distractions indicate emotional energetic deficits. If we do not make an effort to understand ourselves, the mind will always be waiting in the corner to take control of us. Of course, the mind does this to protect us. But our spiritual journey is here to show us that the real control is in our heart and essence.
Thank your mind for always protecting you and ask your heart to guide you. To return to your heart, you must look at and process the emotions that have formed over time.
You can access my e-books that I have prepared to understand inner union and get closer to the physical union in the twin flame journey here.
Understanding Spiritual Union In the Twin flame Journey ( Guidebook PDF)
Mastering Emotions On the Twin Flame Journey; Using The Power Of Empathy
Thank you for being here.